Sunday, September 26, 2010


Re: Tim, I used to know you're just a faded fart in the wind.
  by ChristinaBarrettUS-86   30 minutes ago (Sun Sep 26 2010 00:56:56)
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This is not meant to be read by Tim Burton unless he's gonna not f ck back. People, I made a site we can post at and no one's posted at it so Tim might see this.

I'll just stick with him being a faded fart in the wind.

It sounds like you're appalled by Big Fish. I was sad he started spending all his time with Helena Bonham Carter. She is younger than him and not especially like him compared to everyone else. Honestly I am more like him than anyone, black curly hair like that and those kind of eyes, though I nor anyone I know share his stock facial features solely.

Anyway so not only is Tim being with someone with an attitude, though a nice person, a little rude but why the hell did he have kids? He has an overpouring stream of kids in the world who like the same kind of magic. I get that too people on the streets belittling me to either parent, though it's not even true.

So what about his kids? Tim should be thinking about his audience if he's gonna take up half the theater. So, there's no time for him to have kids with someone he doesn't like! He's ruined my life because he spends time with his kids when he's not even that much like Helena. It sounds like he just had a breakdown and randomly picked this person from his cast. It just makes you wish you could have been famous so he would have something else to keep him occupied. Hey! I just realized he would admit he didn't like Helena and not had the kids depending on if he met anyone. So we can tell if he thinks it's a mistake to have the kids or not. I think he doesn't like the kids because I think he just likes Helena like anyone else, nothing especially special.

Not that Tim cares, but if he was't so f cking religious it could be quite an adventure with him in the world. I feel that he's killed the stimulus of other dreams in having his kids by mistake. He clearly is learning the way he likes other people and watching Helena process her feelings about how to influence their kids. I think Billy should just get the hell out and either do boarding school or later starting in high school plan to then joing the JROTC (Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps.) I see pictures of his son's bobbing tilting head all the time.

Christina Barrett

Re: Tim, I used to know you're just a faded fart in the wind.
  by ChristinaBarrettUS-86   3 seconds ago (Sun Sep 26 2010 01:27:35)
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I do feel as tho Tim waddled away guilty.

Christina Barrett

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